
Official Steem library for Swift.



Using the Swift package manager:

In your Package.swift add:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/steemit/swift-steem.git", .branch("master"))

and run swift package update. Now you can import Steem in your Swift project.

Running tests

To run all tests simply run swift test, this will run both the unit- and integration-tests. To run them separately use the --filter flag, e.g. swift test --filter SteemIntegrationTests


Development of the library is best done with Xcode, to generate a .xcodeproj you need to run swift package generate-xcodeproj.

To enable test coverage display go Scheme > Manage Schemes… menu item and edit the Steem-Package scheme, select the Test configuration and under the Options tab enable Gather coverage for some targets and add the Steem target.

After adding adding more unit tests the swift test --generate-linuxmain command has to be run and the XCTestManifest changes committed for the tests to be run on Linux.